Tuesday 8 April 2014

how to change your wifi password

You need to connect to your router. 

Usually do this through web browser. Check your instructions for the address to log on, it is usually one of the following: 

You can check by going to start > run > type CMD and press eneter. 

Type 'ipconfig' in the black box. 

Look for the wireless card and look for the default gateway option, then go to your web browser and type http://<the ip here>/ 

When you logged on, you may need to enter the username and password, if you do not know this, you can find the default passwords here: http://www.routerpasswords.com/ 

Default username and password is usually admin/admin. 

Once logged on, you need to go to Wireless security settings and change the key... But once you click save, if you are connected through wireless you will automatically disconnect until you enter your new key into your laptop (i assume). 

These instructions will vary, best thing to do is find your router model and google it. 

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