Thursday 18 July 2013

India Govt Wants to BAN Android

                                                            India Govt Wants to BAN Android
Android Operating has been a blessing for the phone manufactures around the world like Samsung , HTC, LG etc, and so has been a hit among the Indian manufacturers, without Android they would have been just multi Sim Chinese phones running an outdated Java, but thanks to Google’s open source OS, they are taking on the big guys head on.

The argument our infamous Indian Govt presents is that the adult content is easily accessible on Android devices.

“I want you people to suggest how can we close it. If we want to close it, you will attack us. I want all the media to come together and tell the minister how to deal with it so that if I do something about it, you don’t attack me,” – Kapil Sibal

Google a spoke person did give a logical explanation to this remark by the Telecom Minister

“Google Play developer program policy does not allow content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts, or sexually explicit material. Google has a zero-tolerance policy against child pornography,”

“Similarly for Android, we offer content filtering. Google Play requires developers to label their applications according to the Google Play ratings system, which consists of four levels,”
But the most important fact here is, why didn’t Kapil Sabil raise such objections when he himself release the Android powered Akash tablets in the country.                                                                             

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